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cell body中文是什么意思

用"cell body"造句"cell body"怎么读"cell body" in a sentence


  • 池体
  • 细胞胞体
  • 细胞体[如见于神经元


  • The shapes of neuronal cell bodies are spherical, ovoid, pyramial, fusiform, stellate or crescentic .
  • Because the chromatophilic substance gives the neuron cell body a tigroid appearance, it is often referred to as tigroid bodies .
  • Cell bodies arid fibers in the hippocampus labelled by nf in guilingji - treated group were significantly more than those in the control group
  • Bdnf is typically produced in the cell bodies of neurons in the cortex and then travels to the striatum along fibers that span the two brain regions
  • The proportion of cell body region in ganglion was measured use biological stereology method with image analysis software imageproplus v4 . 5
    运用图像分析软件( imageproplusv4 . 5 )对部分种类神经系统的神经元胞体和神经纤维网的比例进行了细胞计量学分析。
  • Species : cell body spherical in shape , gelatinous matrix clearly separated from each other ; colony consisting of 500 - 8000 cells ; cytoplasmic connections absent
  • The authors expressed mutant mfn2 in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons . fragmented mitochondria clustered in cell bodies and proximal axons of these neurons
  • Result within 10 minutes , the cells " shape begins to change ; cytoplasm in the flat rmscs retracted towards the nucleus , forming a contracted multipolar cell body , and leaving membranous process - like extensions peripherally
  • 5 - ht immunoreactive processes originate from a relatively small number of cell bodies , but each neuron having processes over a large volume of the brain , from which we can confer that 5 - ht is important in mediating distant neural interactions
    5 - ht阳性纤维起源于相对少量的神经元,但在整个脑中分布广泛,因此5 - ht主要是在大面积神经丛区域参与远距离的调节活动。
  • Research on tyrosinase , the key enzyme causing melanin formation , indicates that arbutin can effectively prohibite melanin formation by cubing on the activity of tyrosinase in non - cell body without affecting cell proliferation
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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